The OKR examples guide

Tried and tested Company and Team OKR examples to provide you with inspiration as you set yours.

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min read
Henrik-Jan van der Pol
Henrik-Jan van der Pol
CEO, Perdoo
Edited by Henrik-Jan van der Pol
Last updated on Jul 24, 2024

How this guide helps

Writing good OKRs can be the simple make or break of a successful OKR program.  

While we’ve written a lot about how to write great OKRs to help you get started with the OKR setting process, having tried and tested OKR examples as inspiration and guidance makes a world of difference.

This OKR examples guide is your one-stop shop to make sure your company and team OKRs are on the right path and are  set up for success.

Objectives & Key Results

OKR components

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a goal management framework that helps organizations bridge the strategy-execution gap by bringing your people and they work they do together towards achieving a common Objective.

An OKR consists of the following components:

Company OKRs

What is a Company OKR?

Company OKRs set the direction for the entire organization and are typically set annually. Company OKRs should reflect the 3 or 4 things your organization decides it must achieve in the next 12 months.

Example Company OKRs


Objective: Create a more goal-oriented company culture

Key Result: X% of KRs are up to date every 2 weeks

Key Result: Achieve X% of Objectives


Objective: Solidify our finances to set the stage for taking our product to the next level

Key Result: Increase gross profit from X to Y

Key Result: Generate Revenue of €XMM


Objective: Crush the competition through acquisitions

Key Result: X acquisitions

Team OKRs

What is a Team OKR?

Team and individual OKRs express what tactics the teams and individuals will deploy, and what results they will need to achieve in order to help the organization realize its long-term Objectives.

These OKRs are typically set quarterly, enabling organizations to change direction if the given tactics are not driving progress towards the Company OKRs for the year.

Now that we've covered what a Team OKR is, from here onwards you'll find OKR examples for different departments — so, don't stop just yet!

Example Marketing OKRs


Objective: Improve customer experience on our website

Key Result: Exit survey CSAT score > 85%

Key Result: Average cart value increased by 15%

Key Result: Monthly returning customers > 15%


Objective: Expand our Instagram footprint with influencer partnerships

Key Result: Achieve XMM followers

Key Result: Generate X leads from influencer posts


Objective: Strengthen our SEO ranking for affordable beauty

Key Result: Improve domain ranking from X to Y

Example Sales OKRs


Objective: Build a healthy and sustainable Sales pipeline

Key Result: Achieve a monthly pipeline of $1M

Key Result: Achieve 23% "Enterprise" deals

Key Result: Increase total enriched leads to 75%


Objective: Turn our partner network into a revenue stream

Key Results: Generate $XK in partner revenue

Key Result: Attain X new customers from partner referrals


Objective: Accelerate Recurring Revenue

Key Result: Deliver $1M in subscriptions by Q4

Key Result: Increase customer MRR by 5%

Example Customer Service OKRs


Objective: Empower customers to help themselves by building the best help resources

Key Result: Reduce the number of support tickets by X%

Key Result: Increase support center traffic to X unique visitors


Objective: Create a world class customer support experience

Key Result: CSAT > 98%

Key Result: First response time < 4 hours

Key Result: Average time to resolve down by 15%


Objective: Transition from a reactive to proactive customer strategy

Key Result: Reduce customer at churn risk by X%

Key Result: Reduce complaints by X%

Example HR OKRs


Objective: Introduce the right candidates to teams sooner

Key Result: Reduce time from application to HR screen to X days

Key Result: Reduce time from HR screen to 1st interview to X days


Objective: Make work-life balance a priority for all employees

Key Result: Improve work-life balance survey score to X

Key Result: Reduce overtime by X hours

Key Result: Increase weekly pulse survey score to X


Objective: Foster a learning culture to support our employees' professional development

Key Result: Increase in skill certifications to X

Key Result: Increase in performance review learning score to X

Example Product OKRs


Objective: One step effortlessly leads to the next in our product user journey

Key Result: New features have X% utilization

Key Result: X feature increases usage by Y%


Objective: Reimagine the product development process to make it more predictable

Key Result: Increase in on-time deployments by X

Example Engineering OKRs


Objective: Our engineering team has never been so effective

Key Result: X% reduction in cycle state by story status

Key Result: X% improvement in Point Commitment Reliability

Key Result: X% Defect Removal Efficiency


Objective: Speed up deployment of important bug fixes

Key Result: Reduce time to fix from X to Y

Key Result: Reduction in client complaints by X%

Example Operations OKRs


Objective: Bring production costs to an all time low

Key Result: Reduce cost by $X


Objective: Develop capacity management tool to drive scale

Key Result: Increase production capacity by X%

Example Finance OKRs


Objective: Our budgets are cost effective across all departments

Key Result: Net profit increase of X%

Key Result: X% reduction in operating costs

Example Accounting OKRs


Objective: Our bookkeeping is efficient and reliable

Key Result: Books are finalized in X days

Key Result: Customers pay their invoices in X days

Example BI OKRs


Objective: Streamline data access to empower leadership to make better decisions faster

Key Result: Reduce time required to make decisions from X weeks to Y weeks

Example IT OKRs


Objective: Secure our IT infrastructure

Key Result: Reduce the number of vulnerabilities from X to Y

Key Result: Pass security audit


Objective: Build fast while maintaining high quality and low costs

Key Result: Average test coverage across all projects are X%

Key Result: Reduce infrastructure costs by X%

Key Result: Technical debt across all projects is less than X hours

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