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Product updates
September 1, 2022

Asana integration & multiple KPI boards are here (plus more)!

Alexandru Tiroch
Alexandru Tiroch
Product Manager, Perdoo
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Asana integration & multiple KPI boards are here (plus more)!

We released some exciting new features in August. Curious to know what those are? Here’s a quick rundown.

Asana Integration

Are you tracking projects and tasks in Asana and hate having to update your Initiatives and/or Key Results in Perdoo separately? You can now say bye-bye to the manual work — the native Asana integration is here. 🎉

Simply link an Asana project or task to its respective Result to automatically update progress. Still want to update the Result manually? That’s doable too!

Click here to set up the Asana Integration.

Asana Integration

Add multiple KPI boards

One Growth Board isn’t enough — we hear you. You have tons of KPIs that belong to different teams and departments. It would be perfect to sort those KPIs into separate boards based on specific needs and requirements. Done!

You now have the freedom to create as many KPI boards as you’d need. And, you can name them as you please.

Add multiple KPI boards

Re-order nested Initiatives

Previously, your Initiatives were presented in the order you added them in. But you may have wanted to move them around based on priority, timeline, completion, etc.

We’ve fixed that. Now with a simple drag and drop, you can reorder your Initiatives under their parent Key Results as you please.

Re-order nested Initiatives

Saved Roadmap view

You've set up your Roadmap view to perfectly reflect how you’d like to consume the information that’s important to you. But then you refresh the page or log in the next day and that view is gone. Frustrating — we know.

We’ll now auto-save your Roadmap view (temporarily). If you wish to update that view, make the desired changes and the new view will be saved.

Edit existing goal updates

We’re human, we make mistakes. You may have gotten a minor detail wrong when updating a goal. Or you just want to add some more context to your update without having to delete your old update and submit a new one.

No problem! In the goal’s activity section, you can now edit the update to reflect the right information you want to communicate.

Edit existing goal updates

Target values in Check-ins

Not seeing target values for Key Results and Initiatives while Checking-in was a bit misleading. We’ve now added your target values to all your goals in Check-ins to ensure you know exactly where you stand and can provide an accurate update.

Target values in Check-ins


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