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Product updates
December 11, 2022

Perdoo’s best product updates from 2022 ✨

Alexandru Tiroch
Alexandru Tiroch
Product Manager, Perdoo
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Perdoo’s best product updates from 2022 ✨

Before we bid 2022 farewell, we want to take this opportunity to recap the most prized features that we launched throughout the year. Including some brand-new features like Private mode, Pulse Surveys, and Kudos (Peer recognition). This is your moment to catch up!

Pulse surveys

Happy employees = happy customers = successful company. Therefore, it’s essential to keep a finger on your company’s pulse and employee morale. Regularly.

We’ve embedded a Pulse survey within the Check-in form, ensuring that you’re frequently asking everyone how they feel at work. In the Engagement Report, you can see your company’s Pulse over time and the average Pulse score by group, allowing you and your HR team can take timely action.

Pulse surveys


Employees that feel valued at work are more engaged, committed, and motivated to go above and beyond to help their organization succeed.

We’ve made it easy for you to give Kudos to your coworkers. We’ve also embedded this option in your Check-in form, so the appreciation of a job well done becomes a weekly habit.


Shared goals

It can happen that more than one team works on an OKR or KPI. Now more than one team can own a goal, helping you foster cross-functional collaboration!

Head over to configure to enable Shared goals for your account.

Shared goals

Multiple KPI boards

You likely have tons of KPIs that belong to different teams and departments. And would like to sort them into separate boards based on specific needs and requirements.

You now have the freedom to create as many KPI boards as you’d need. And, you can name them as you please.

Multiple KPI boards


The secret to higher goal attainment and transparency is regularly checking in on your goals and reflecting on your work.

We made Check-ins a smoother process and added Reflections to the flow as well. Enable Reflections to seamlessly integrate your standups with weekly check-ins to communicate what you’re working on from week to week. These sit alongside your goals to contextualize all the work that’s critical in pushing you, the team, and your organization forward.


Mark results as “accomplished”

We’ve added a new status type: accomplished! Achieved a Result and want to indicate that your goal has been met or you no longer will be working on it? You can now mark the Result’s status as “accomplished”.

Once you’ve done so, these goals will be indicated under the accomplished trophy icon in the status log on Home, your profile, and group pages.

Mark results as accomplished

Select update frequency per goal

Some goals and metrics simply don’t need updating as often as others — for a variety of reasons. Eg. annual OKRs may only need updating once a month but quarterly OKRs once a week.

You can now choose how often you’d like to update each goal, and therefore when it’ll appear in your Check-ins. If you don’t update progress within the chosen timeframe, it’ll be marked “outdated” accordingly.

Update frequency per goal

A revamped Engagement report

This one is for all the Ambassadors out there! The new engagement report is your one-stop shop for a data-rich overview of your Perdoo account and OKR program’s health.

Keep your finger on the pulse with actionable engagement insights, group health statistics, and a complete goal progress overview. Struggling with disengaged users? Give them a nudge from within the report.

Revamped Engagement Report

Private Mode

When presenting or screen-sharing, you may want to hide your sensitive data (eg, private OKRs or Pulse survey responses). With Private Mode you can hide confidential information with a simple click.

Private mode

Google Sheets integration

We built a native Add-on for Google Sheets, enabling you to easily integrate Perdoo with hundreds of other tools. This is a two-way integration, allowing you to let progress for specific KPIs or Key Results automatically push progress for other KPIs/Key Results!

Select update frequency per goal

Asana Integration

If you're tracking projects and tasks in Asana and hate having to update your Initiatives and/or Key Results in Perdoo separately, you can now say bye-bye to the manual work with the native Asana integration.

Click here to set up the Asana Integration.

Asana Integration

Enhanced Jira integration

Goal progress based on Jira tickets are no longer binary — with the improved Jira integration, you’ll have insight into your issue count and story points as well, so you can track progress toward your target.

Enhanced Jira integration

That's a wrap!

These were the highlights of 2022 in a nutshell! If you’d like a glimpse of other smaller updates and improvements released throughout the year, visit our Product Updates.

Curious about what’s coming in 2023? You can expect:

  • 1:1s: Track your 1:1s and other Meetings on Perdoo and seamlessly integrate the performance of goals into them.
  • Performance Reviews: Get the most out of Performance Reviews by surfacing meaningful context such as performance on goals and peer feedback.
  • Personal goals: Improved support for personal development goals, individual KPIs, and other personal goals.
  • Revamped closing OKR process: There’s a ton of value waiting to be unlocked in this important step of the OKR process!
  • Check-in vacation settings: Restore your Check-in streak if you were out of office and unable to Check-in.

Stay tuned!


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