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Product updates
July 30, 2018

New possibilities for Initiatives ✅, and an improved Text editor

Jonathan Morrice
Jonathan Morrice
CTO, Perdoo
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New possibilities for Initiatives ✅, and an improved Text editor

This month we’ve focused on making Initiatives more powerful and added some essential features that make Perdoo more intuitive and easier to use.

Archive and restore Initiatives

We often heard from customers about the need for greater focus with projects that they managed in Perdoo using initiatives. Group leads especially found it time-consuming to review long lists of initiatives, many of which were no longer relevant or had been abandoned, (either completed or shelved).

With archiving for initiatives Perdoo makes it easy to display the initiatives which you’d like to focus on and hide those you don’t. Archiving an Initiative moves it to a new list below active Initiatives. This list of archived initiatives is hidden by default and can be unfolded and displayed by clicking ‘Archived Initiatives’ at the bottom of your Initiatives list.


Once an initiative is archived, progress cannot be updated. However, you can restore an archived Initiative at any time, and add it back to the active list.


Improved interface for Initiatives

In this update, we’ve also refined the overall experience of using Initiatives. The progress slider now shows a tooltip as you move it, displaying the current value the slider has reached. This makes the process of updating Initiatives much quicker.

We’ve also added a dropdown for each initiative that quickly lets you edit, archive and delete initiatives. This saves you the effort of opening the initiative details to take action.


OKR description fields and an improved text editor

We asked our customers; “what are the most important pieces of information you need to see when viewing your OKRs”. It turns out that the OKR description usually has some essential details that always need to be visible, especially when there are a number of people working on it. We've now made OKR descriptions visible by default.

We've also introduced a new, improved text editor for writing descriptions and commenting on OKRs. This means more formatting options, emojis ?  and the ability to add images to make descriptions more detailed and contextual.



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