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Product updates
October 23, 2017

Say hello to Roles & Rights and progress over time

Jonathan Morrice
Jonathan Morrice
CTO, Perdoo
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min read
Say hello to Roles & Rights and progress over time

Just a month ago, we’ve released Perdoo 2.1, giving Perdoo a fresh look, major performance improvements, and much more. The feedback so far has been amazing, which gave us an extra boost in motivation to further improve Perdoo and build what our customers asked for.

Here are the latest updates:

Roles & Rights

The biggest update since the launch of Perdoo 2.1 is the possibility to assign roles with different access rights to each employee. This way, you can ensure that users don’t accidentally edit or delete relevant data.

Here’s what the different roles let users do in Perdoo:

  • Standard user can view and comment on all OKRs and Initiatives, view Insights and Maps. They can also manage (add, edit, or delete) OKRs and Initiatives if they’re either Group Member, Objective Lead, or Key Result lead.
  • Admins can do everything Standard users can do. In addition, they can export CSV files and manage all Group OKRs and Initiatives, integrations, users, and groups.
  • Superadmins have unlimited access to their Perdoo account, covering everything an Admin can do plus managing all Company OKRs and Initiatives, editing Company details, and managing timeframes.

Progress over time

Seeing how the OKRs you're responsible have progressed so far is not only motivating, it also helps you realize when you need to step it up a notch. That’s why we’ve added a graph to the Key Results sidebar, showing you the progress over time at a glance.

Bug fixes & UX improvements

Besides crushing a bug where some users had to refresh the page for a new Group to show up, we’ve made a couple other bug fixes and UX improvements. When adding a Key Result after completing the OKR wizard, the Objective field is now pre-filled, and we’ve added some more tooltips so you know what will happen if you click a button.


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