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Product updates
March 7, 2019

Say hello to Custom Tags and manage SSO in-app

Jonathan Morrice
Jonathan Morrice
CTO, Perdoo
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Say hello to Custom Tags and manage SSO in-app

This month we’ve released Custom tags for Objectives and a better way to manage your Single Sign On (SSO).

Custom Tags for Objectives

Custom tags open a whole new world of opportunities to easily identify, search or categorize your Objectives. For example, at Perdoo we find it important that we know what type of Objective we're dealing with. We use the Build, Improve or Innovate model to categorize our Objectives and tag them accordingly.

With Custom Tags you are able to change or remove the tags that we've created for you by default, and you're able to create all sorts of other tags. Custom Tags can be managed by users with superadmin-rights, the tags themselves will be available to every user within your Perdoo account.

Configure Tags in Perdoo

It is also possible to add a description to your tag so that everyone in your organization understands what that tag is all about. Plus, you can add a color for quick, visual recognition!

Add Tag in Perdoo

Your tags will already be available in your data exports and we'll soon also add them to the in-app OKR section and search functionality. That way, you can easily organize your Objectives and search for Objectives of a particular kind.

Manage SSO In-App

Previously, when you wanted to set up SSO for your Perdoo account, you needed the help of our Support Team. Starting now, users with superadmin-rights will be able to configure and maintain any Google or SAML based SSO authentication. Click on Configure in the left sidebar and head to the Integrations tab.  

Configure SSO SAML Google in Perdoo

The configuration also allows you to control aspects of provisioning new users within the platform and how strictly the SSO is enforced. Here is an example of how to set up a Microsoft Azure SSO configuration on Perdoo.


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