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December 20, 2023

Exciting updates: New Home page, BambooHR integration, and a roundup of 2023!

Zahra Currimbhoy
Zahra Currimbhoy
Marketing, Perdoo
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Exciting updates: New Home page, BambooHR integration, and a roundup of 2023!

As we near the holiday season and wrap up for 2023, we wanted to share the latest updates and recap the most prized features we launched throughout the year. From this month, here’s what’s new:

  • A brand new Home page
  • BambooHR integration

Read on to learn more!

A brand new Home page

Home has undergone a big upgrade! It now provides you with a better overview of everything that matters most to you. And it helps you stay on top of the things that you’re responsible for.

Let’s go on a quick tour of your new Home.OKRs are critical to your business’s success. To make understanding, editing, and navigating through your OKRs the easiest it's been, we’ve fully revamped the OKR modals. Here’s what’s changed:

Stay on top of your goals

A goal out of sight is likely out of mind as well. Let’s avoid that!

Home gathers all the goals that you lead (only active timeframes) — including those owned by other teams. From here, get a quick understanding of how your goals are progressing and what needs your attention most. Never lose track of a goal again.

Stay on top of your goals

Filter out the noise

Easily stay on top of the teams that you’re a member of, or that you’ve favorited. See at a glance how they are performing. Click through to the team for the details.

Filter out the noise

Help team members stay on track

Goals are achieved when someone is responsible and kept accountable!

Home provides you with an overview of all your direct reports and their most recent Check-ins. From here, seamlessly review these Check-ins (here’s how), making it easy for you to keep your direct reports accountable, as well as the opportunity to provide the required support.

Help team members stay on track

Get important work done

Any pending 1:1 action items will be listed here to ensure you're completing them on time. Check them off from Home to show they've been done.

Get important work done

Note: If you don't see the Direct report or Action items tab, that means you don't have any.

Celebrate good work

The Kudos feed got relocated. At the bottom of Home, you’ll find an overview of all the Kudos shared with your peers. Want to give kudos to a coworker? You can easily do so from here as well.

Celebrate good work

BambooHR integration

Is BambooHR your HRIS? Use our new BambooHR integration to eliminate the administrative effort of maintaining your teams and users in Perdoo by keeping them automatically in sync.

Trigger the sync manually or set it up to run automatically every 2 hours to ensure all your users in Perdoo are provisioned or de-provisioned accurately without any manual work.

BambooHR integration

2023 roundup

This year brought many valuable features and updates. Did you miss out on any? Or simply looking for a recap? Here's your chance to catch up!

Rearrangeable KPIs

Your KPIs were always displayed in the order that you added them. Annoying, wasn’t it? You now have the flexibility to organize your KPIs on your company and team pages as you see fit.

Rearrangeable KPIs

Tagging Results & KPIs

The ability to tag Objectives in Perdoo, along with the option to create custom tags and reports, allowed you to build any type of report. The downside? You could only tag Objectives — and not Initiative, Key Results, or KPIs. We've fixed that, so these powerful reporting opportunities are now available for all your goals in Perdoo.

Tagging Results & KPIs

Filter for ‘outdated’ Results and KPIs within All goals

Your Results (Key Results and Initiatives) and KPIs are marked 'Outdated' when they haven't been updated according to the desired update frequency.

In Goals, you can now filter by 'outdated' goals so you can take action where and when necessary.

Filter by outdated goals

Updated OKR closing form and statuses

Closing OKRs is an essential — and valuable — step within each successful OKR program.

The new closing form is fully customizable and designed to make sure you're documenting all key learnings after working on an OKR, providing all the context needed to make informed decisions moving forward. To share a quick overview of the closed goal, select an appropriate closing status — accomplished, missed, or postponed.

OKR closing form

Revamped OKR modals

Context is key. And what’s better than having all the context you need on one single page? The Objective modal now covers everything — the description, Results, Aligned OKRs, and respective activity — in one view.

We’ve also souped up the contextual side panel on the right. You can simply edit your goal in the panel itself. Under 'Objective details', we’ve also added an Initiative counter showing you the total Initiatives supporting the Objective, and how many have been accomplished to date. Neat right?

We’ve also given the entire Results modal a fresh look by consolidating all the key information in one view. Easily scroll through all the Results using the arrows in the top left of the page.

When drilling down into a single Result, you’ll land on a page that details the description, progress over time, and past activity on one page. In the contextual side panel, all the characteristics of your Result can be edited with one click.

Out-of-office settings for Check-ins

Were you out of office and unable to Check-in? We understand it’s frustrating to lose a streak you’ve worked hard to build up. No need to worry anymore — we’ve fixed this.

With the new OOO settings, you can skip a missed Check-in to restore your streak! This way you can also easily communicate to your manager and teams why the specific Check-in was missed.

Check-in report for managers

Checking in is a critical part of remaining focused on achieving goals. As a manager, it can be beneficial to have a simple yet consolidated view of all your direct reports’ Check-ins, as well as to understand which of your direct reports haven’t Checked in.

We’ll now send you a report with an overview of all your direct reports’ Check-ins. Click through to Perdoo to review the Check-in in full and leave a comment to spark healthy discussions or simply acknowledge a job well done!

Check-in reports for managers

New health report

The Engagement Report got a full makeover and is now called “Health Report”. It’s refurbished to provide you with all the insights and tools you need to run a successful strategy execution program. Use it to diagnose and prevent any unhealthy tendencies. Know what areas to focus on to boost adoption, engagement, and overall success.

Learn more about the Health Report.


Engagement is highest among employees who meet with their managers at least once a week. 1:1s, therefore, are impactful meetings — they help ensure people feel and perform well at work.

1:1s in Perdoo are designed to ensure you're having conversations regularly — keeping the most critical work and goals front and center. 1:1s let you collaborate on challenges, provide space for feedback and recognition, and are a great tool to strengthen work relationships.

Google Calendar integration

Already have a recurring 1:1 Google Calendar meeting set up with your direct report? Or want to set one up from scratch?

Connect your Google Calendar with 1:1 meetings set up in Perdoo. Once your 1:1 in Perdoo is connected with your Google Calendar event, any changes made in your calendar will automatically be reflected in Perdoo.

Zapier integration

Perdoo is now available on Zapier, allowing you to connect Perdoo to more than 5000 apps! Automate workflows and automatically keep the progress of your goals up to date.

Head over to Zapier to set up your first Zap!

JQL in Jira

Using Jira and looking to keep your goals updated automatically? We’ve made the integration more powerful and added the ability to use JQL (Jira Query Language) to search and retrieve issues based on specific criteria and get exactly the data you need into Perdoo.

Coming soon!

As always, we have exciting things in the pipeline for you. Here’s what you can expect soon:

  • Factorial Integration: Soon you'll be able to auto-sync your users and teams from Factorial (HRIS) to populate key people data within Perdoo.
  • Custom Reports improvements: We're working on expanding the capabilities of the All Goals report to help retrieve the most relevant information.
  • Strategy Map updates: We're making Map more robust to ensure you can better diagnose how your strategy is performing.
  • Monthly or Quarterly Team updates: Let teams write up a summary of how their month or quarter has been — including things like goal progress, wins & achievements, as well as challenges & losses.
  • Two-way PowerBI integration: You can already send data from Perdoo to PowerBI, but soon you can also send data from PowerBI to Perdoo. Any metric or data source in PowerBI can then automatically update progress for your goals in Perdoo!

Stay tuned!


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