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Product updates
November 23, 2021

New: Track your growth ambitions alongside the work that delivers them

Henrik-Jan van der Pol
Henrik-Jan van der Pol
CEO, Perdoo
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New: Track your growth ambitions alongside the work that delivers them

Where do you track your organization’s funnel or revenue forecast? Probably in a spreadsheet, BI tool, or maybe a CRM. For a software company, they’ll monitor things like revenue, churn rate, or your lead to customer conversion rate – KPIs that are essential to realize your growth ambitions. Dashboards tend to only be available to leaders, and they’re usually the source of any reports you make to external investors or the board. It makes sense, but there are three main issues here:

  • These tools don’t help with planning, as you can’t set future target values – they tend to always look backward.
  • Leaders and investors aren’t able to see how the organization hopes to achieve more ambitious targets. Your revenue forecast is key, but it’s disconnected from the daily work of employees.
  • In the case of BI tools, only a handful of people tend to have logins – they’re pricey. If leaders want to rally the team around these KPIs… it’s near-impossible at scale.

Today, Perdoo is bridging the gap between your growth ambitions, your strategy, and all the work that’ll achieve it. The new Growth Board is a cross-functional view of the KPIs that make up your funnel and directly impact your revenue growth. It enables leaders and teams to track targets vs actuals for these KPIs over time, and know what's being done to achieve them.

See in real-time whether or not you’re on track to meet your revenue and growth goals. You’ll finally understand how teams and individuals aim to realize future targets, by looking at the OKRs that support each KPI. Board members, external investors, and other key stakeholders also get clarity on how you plan to deliver on the promises you’ve made.

Growth Board in Perdoo

Never miss a revenue goal again

Building out your funnel and forecast just got so much simpler. Add new KPIs to your Growth Board, or pick one which already exists in Perdoo.

Change is a constant, so you can adjust targets as you progress. Click into any month to change the target, and Perdoo will adjust the KPI's health status automatically.

Adjust targets on the Growth Board

Understand what’s being done to achieve future targets

Hoping to increase your average revenue per customer next quarter? These metrics don’t move on their own. So you’ll likely be doing a bunch of things differently to achieve this new target. In Perdoo, you can explain how you’ll raise the bar by aligning an OKR to your KPI.

Aligned OKRs on the Growth Board

From your Growth Board, you'll view a list of the OKRs that support each KPI. Get full transparency on what's actually planned to realize the growth you desire.

Avoid duplicate work. Make informed decisions.

You can integrate KPIs in Perdoo with data from 70+ apps, for always up-to-date goals and reports that you can rely on. Perdoo will keep you in the loop on progress via weekly email reports, Slack, or MS Teams. Course-correct where needed, or double-down on what’s working.

The Growth Board is now available on our Supreme plan.

Log in to Perdoo or create a free account and set up your Growth Board today.


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