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Product updates
March 28, 2022

Reflections in Check-ins, SCIM, daily email updates, Check-in streaks, and more

Alexandru Tiroch
Alexandru Tiroch
Product Manager, Perdoo
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Reflections in Check-ins, SCIM, daily email updates, Check-in streaks, and more

Wondering what we’ve been up to in Q1? Apart from squashing bugs and making performance tweaks, we’ve released a bunch of exciting new features!

Here’s a quick rundown👇 (and scroll to the end for a sneak peek of what’s coming soon 👀 )

SCIM Integration

Remove the administrative effort of keeping employee information up-to-date in Perdoo via Okta, OneLogin, or Azure AD.

Use Perdoo’s SCIM integration to automatically add or archive employees, and sync their details such as name, manager, and job titles.

Note: The SCIM Integration is a Supreme feature.

Reflect with Reflections

The secret to higher goal attainment and transparency is regularly checking in on your goals and reflecting on your work.

So, we made Check-ins a smoother process (see below), and added Reflections (aka standups) to the flow as well. Enable Reflections to seamlessly integrate your standups with weekly check-ins to communicate what you’re working on from week to week. These sit alongside your goals to contextualize all the work that’s critical in pushing you, the team, and your organization forward.

Reflections in Perdoo

You can customize your Reflections template to create a standardized set of questions that you’d like your teams to answer each week or month.

Push Reflections to Slack

Boost transparency and collaboration by sharing your Reflections to a Slack channel of your choice. You and your team can benefit greatly from knowing what everyone else is working on.

Push Reflections to Slack

Head over to your profile settings to configure which Slack channel you’d like to push your weekly Reflections to.

Achieve more goals with improved Check-ins

Check-ins are a proven way to help you achieve your goals. So we’ve added a few things to make checking- in even easier!

Create a habit with streaks 🔥

The only way to achieve more goals is to make checking in a habit. Configure your check-in reminders and then all you’ve got to do is keep your check-in streak going.

Check-in streaks

An overview of all check-ins

You can access a historical record of all team member check-ins, including Reflections (if enabled), by heading to the brand new “Check-ins” tab on the group pages.

Check-in streaks

You can do the same if you’d like quick access to an individual’s check-in history. Simply hop over to the “Check-ins” tab on their profile page.

Surface the right context when updating goals

Updating progress on your goals was never better. We’ll feature your last update comment at the very top so you’ll have all the context needed for your new update. Oh, and it now looks a lot better too!

Filter Performance Reports in Perdoo

Daily (consolidated) email updates

Too many emails can be annoying and distracting — we understand. You’ll no longer get a separate email every time a goal you lead or contribute to (Key Result, Initiative, or KPI) is updated or commented on. We now consolidate all that critical information into one daily email.

Daily (consolidated) email updates

Head over to “Notifications” within your personal settings to configure your daily email.

Create new Objectives faster

Creating a new Objective got a lot quicker and smoother. Have a great idea you’d like to store as a draft Objective? All you need to do is give it a title, define what the Objective will do, and select “draft” bottom-left.

Once you’re ready to work on it, add in the details: description, contributors, tags, and how you’ll calculate progress. Easy peasy!

Create new Objectives faster

Coming soon!

Curious to know what we’re working on right now? Here are a few great updates that are coming your way soon:

  • Native Google Sheets Integration: Our current Google Sheets integration is very popular as it allows you to easily integrate Perdoo with hundreds of other tools. So we’ve decided to bring this powerful integration to the next level by building our own, native Add-on for GSheets. This will be a two-way integration, allowing you to let progress for specific KPIs or Key Results automatically push progress for other KPIs/Key Results!
  • New Engagement Reports: Ambassadors, this one is for you! We’re adding new stats and visuals to give you all the key insights to help you stay on top of your OKR program.
  • Improved Slack integration: Stay on top of your goals without leaving Slack — we’ll push your team’s progress reports to a Slack channel of your choice. If someone @-mentions you on a goal, you’ll get notified in Slack.
  • Improved Teams integration: We’re updating our MS Teams app to add Notifications — so you’ll never miss a check-in. We’re also adding progress reports (which you can now only receive via email) to improve transparency and reduce the amount of emails for you.
  • Asana Integration: Say bye-bye to manual updates. Integrate Asana with Perdoo so progress for your Initiatives is automatically updated as you’re completing work in Asana.

Stay tuned!


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